
Kathleen Scott, C.A.P.  Astrologer    Comic Coach    Cosmic Cupid



Star Map Reports


AnimStarMapPic.gifOrder the basic NATAL Chart & STAR MAP Report if you have never had your chart done. Your NATAL Astrology chart is your SCRIPT, (no one else has the same script) and is based upon the exact TIME, PLACE & DATE of your birth. Your SCRIPT shows the many ROLES you will play on the great stage called life.  There seems to be many dimensions to what is called your "personality" (mental, emotional, physical & spiritual "selves"  within yourself!)  Your personality is the ROLE you are playing.  Knowing your chart (your SCRIPT) can help you with TIMING in life and  assist you in being more  conscious of the choices you have in life.  ($20)

            Basic NATAL Chart & STAR MAP Report  $20          


COSMIC CUPID "STAR MAP" Reports™  ROMANCE Reports for Lovers include Individual Profile Reports which describe the relationship potential of each person (2) + Romantic Interpretation, which includes how the two people experience each other as well as the relationship from the perspective of each person. ($45.00

  COSMIC CUPID Romance Report  $45    

CHART SYNASTRY or CHART COMPARISON Reports, used for family or friendship, include Individual Profile reports (2) + Synastry or Chart Comparison. (2 different ways of viewing a relationship potential). This report discovers the most significant issues of the relationship and emphasizes these issues! A forecast for the relationship is also included. These reports are each approximately 10-15 pages in length. ($45.00)  

           COSMIC CUPID Chart Synastry & Comparison  $45             

FUTURE FORECAST STAR MAP Reports™  The PROGRESSED STAR MAP Report describes what is currently happening within yourself on a psychological level of growth and awareness. This report is usually done at the time of your birthday each year and is based upon the day-for-a-year premise. The report is 7-12 pages long. Cost $15.00 per Report.

PROGRESSED STAR MAP Report   $15            

Your Personal FUTURE FORECASTS STAR MAP Report describes the outside circumstances which can be influencing you. This report can cover several days, months or years and will give you a DAILY interpretation which is uniquely yours!   The length of a one-month forecast is approximately 25-30 pages long. $15.00 per month. $130 for the year ahead!

   FUTURE FORECAST STAR MAP Report 1 month $15      

     FUTURE FORECAST STAR MAP Report 1 year $130            

LIFE PATH &  Major THEMES Report blends psychological, spiritual and material potentials found in each individual. This is a surprisingly comprehensive and insightful report! Each report is about 10-13 pages in length. ($20.00)

LIFE PATH & MAJOR THEMES Report $20      

The KARMA Report will tell you what the planets and their aspects say about your personal karma! One of your Karmic indicators is the Nodes of the Moon in your Astrological Chart. Your individual chart will  tell you about your South Node, symbolizing lessons from past lives, and your North Node, which shows your potential. Your Karmic task is to evolve from your South Node and head toward your North Node. It is your choice to cast off whatever is holding you back from a past life and fly toward the future. Your Karma Report offers you information on your 12th House, Saturn and Jupiter. These astrological elements tell you about your most important past life experiences and offer a guide to your Karmic gifts. Each chapter of this report includes your personal Karmic lesson. The Karmic Insight report also discusses struggles (major hard aspects) and gifts and strengths (major soft aspects) brought  forward from past lives. Average report length: 12 pages.($25.00) 

          The KARMA STAR MAP Report   $25 

The BABY  STAR MAP Report  is written specifically for parents and it focuses on issues that parents are concerned about for their baby: the needs, talents, potential problems, health, relationship to parents, the school environment, etc. This is a MUST for parents! It makes an excellent GIFT for the new parents!  Each report is about 12-30 pages in length.  ($25.00)
The Baby STAR MAP Report    $25 

The CHILD STAR MAP Report  is written specifically for parents and it focuses on issues that parents are concerned about for their children: the needs, talents, potential problems, health, relationship to parents, the school environment, etc. This is a MUST for parents! It makes an excellent GIFT for the new parents!   The report provides the positions of the planets at the time of birth. Then as each chapter begins, the astrological influence is noted. The report is written without  jargon and is easy to understand. Each report is approximately 15-18 pages.  ($25.00)      

                             Child STAR MAP Report    $25  

The TEEN  FORECAST Report which is written specifically for TEENS and young people up to 24 years! It is unique in that it focuses on issues that are important to this age group. It is written in modern language for modern times for today's young people who are crossing the bridge from childhood to adulthood in today's fast-paced and quickly changing times. The approximate report length is about 10-12 pages/month! ($15/month $130/year). 


                                The Teen/Young Adult FORECAST STAR MAP Report 1 month $15                          

                                The Teen/Young Adult FORECAST STAR MAP Report 1 year  $130                          


The BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP STAR MAP Report  can tell how you and your partner (s) will interact with each other.   It analyzes your strengths and weaknesses individually as well as a partnership. This report also gives future trends for people engaged in running or making business decisions.  Each report is 7-12 pages long for a 3 month period. TOTAL: $50.00 for 2 people. $75.00 for 3 people. $100.00 for 4 people.

       The Business Relationship STAR MAP Report   2 people $50         


                                                                              If you

  • Wish to Schedule a Private Consultation,

  • Would like a Gift Certificate for a Private Consultation

  • Would like a Gift Certificate for an Astrology Workbook

  • Have a Question about Ordering your STAR MAP Report (s)?

           Tel   @ 949-340-0615    INTL:  011 52 (661) 616-2393     e-mail:  

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Time of birth:

Month Day and Year:



HOUR:               AM         PM   

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